Spiritual Awakening: Sensitivities Increasing


Anyone else on the spiritual path been finding it harder to be around crowds of people? This seems like a common symptom of spiritual awakening, but I wonder just how many people out there are trying to cope with this same challenge right now.

I began to notice almost exactly a year ago that being around a lot of strangers drove me a tad crazy. I would be stuck in traffic at a stoplight and feel like I was picking up on everyone’s insecurities, worries, and anxieties. It felt pretty suffocating. Other times, it triggered a sense of sadness within in thinking about how this is not the way people should be feeling on a daily basis. On one of my worst days, I was alone on the beach surrounded by lots of families and tourists who were on vacation. Instead of sensing joy or peace on this beautiful summer day, it seemed like many of the people around me were grouchy and miserable. The energy got so intense that I felt like either pulling my hair out or grabbing all my belongings and running a mile away from those people.

I frequently isolate myself from crowded areas, mostly because I’ve never been a fan of crowds. Prior to awakening, crowds were more like a nuisance. If I needed to go inside a store and saw the parking lot was filled with cars, I would possibly roll my eyes for a second but then carry on with business. I could go sit in a crowded bar with a friend and not be overly bothered by all the people, but I still preferred my alone time, especially in nature. It was my time to enjoy some silence and reflect.

But lately, I’ve begun to notice that crowds can stir up strange emotions in me. Recently I walked into a busy restaurant with my boyfriend to grab some lunch, and I immediately felt extremely uneasy and suffocated while standing in line. There was loud music and a high amount of energy in the room. I tried to tune out everything, but I felt like I was becoming emotional and needed to leave to avoid the awkwardness of ordering food with tears streaming down my face. I told my boyfriend that I needed to step out, so he followed me. My eyes were filling with tears before I could even sit down on the bench outside. I was as confused as my boyfriend was as to why I started to cry. I could not explain it, but I felt so much better once I got out of that environment. The old me might have felt slightly annoyed by all the noises and people, but I know I would have tolerated it just fine.

I’m finding that I have become overly sensitive to such a degree that I can no longer maintain my inner peace everywhere I go. The environment I’m in seems to make a difference. Some public places are fine, even if they are a little crowded. Others stir up all sorts of emotions that I can’t explain. My best comparison that describes how I feel when I enter one of those yucky environments is the icky feeling you would get if you stepped into a dark, murky lake. As soon as you put one foot in, you’re immediately ready to get the hell out because it’s so nasty and uncomfortable.

Lately, I feel so turned off by crowds that I want to get away from living in a city. Living in a small, rural area seems healthier and more tolerable at this point. I have become friends with a woman who has been experiencing issues extremely similar to mine, and she has also grown weary of this area where we live. She is very familiar with chronic fatigue and the inability to be among crowds of people. It makes me wonder if we are being affected to some degree by empath sickness since we are both so deeply affected by the pain and suffering of the world and the city where we live. She is greatly affected by the destruction of trees and the environment, while I feel so much frustration and sadness about the deterioration of human health and our food supply, along with the control systems being exerted onto us.

If you are an empath, I’m sure you know how burdensome it can be to feel more and be more conscious than the average person. Whatever issue bothers you most, it is far from easy to carry the burden of knowing what is happening and caring so much about it while so many others prefer to stay in denial of our problems. This is from an article titled “Physical Symptoms of an Empath“:

The biggest problem is that the Earth is sick and in pain, and under a constant barrage of attack and torture. Those who harm the Earth do not feel her pain, but people with empathic ability bear the burden of being overly sensitive in an insensitive world, and therefore have a hard time living here. You cannot cut off from your feelings, nor can you armor yourself against them, because numbness is not healing and does not make things better (even if it seems blissfully tempting). The physical symptoms of an empath that you experience are a reminder that you are a healer, and that empathy is a healing gift. Receive the divine healing light from your Source above, let it nourish you, fill you and protect you, then send it out to all who need it, including the Earth. And remember to send love and gratitude to the Earth with each and every breath, because she needs it desperately.

Has anyone with sensitivities to energy and suffering found a solution? I don’t think isolation or fleeing from uncomfortable spaces should become a long-term coping strategy, and I don’t like the typical advice people offer about creating a shield around yourself to block energy. I don’t want to absorb yucky or heavy energies so that I become overwhelmed by them, but something tells me that trying to block out and numb myself to everything isn’t the best approach. The way I see it, we are sensitive for a reason. Maybe I will try the strategy mentioned in the article I quoted above the next time I find myself in an uncomfortable environment. If anyone has found a useful tool or strategy to manage energy sensitivity, please share your tips in the comments section. It would be greatly appreciated! Also, let me know how long this has been an issue for you if you can relate to my experiences.


8 thoughts on “Spiritual Awakening: Sensitivities Increasing

  1. Hi, here is something Adyashanti told someone who was dealing with similar sensitivies- don’t try to contain energies, but let them move through you with consciousness and compassion- imagine opening up the back door on your body so everything can move through, feel it, and let it move through…I practice this and find it helpful.


    1. Hi Joyce, thank you for sharing that. The idea of letting energies flow sounds wiser to me than blocking everything that feels icky or uncomfortable. I think I still feel too ungrounded and unfamiliar with feeling things on such a deep level that it’s going to be hard for me to put this into practice currently. I will work on slowly mastering it until I can face just about any energy with acceptance and compassion.


  2. Hi! I will start off with the disclaimer that I probably am not nearly as awakened or sensitive as you are, but I also have found the energy flow perspective to be helpful. I will imagine myself as transparent or kind of like Teflon (where nothing will stick to me) and all the surrounding energy will just flow through me so it can be acknowledged if need be but not retained. I also have started becoming more sensitive to my aura, so when I’m around lots of other people and feeling icky, I will cleanse the spot(s) of my aura that have accumulated some icky energy. The combination of the two (aura cleansing and energy flow) has so far proved very helpful when I need it.

    Thank you for your blogs! (I found this one through your old one and its INFJ posts–much appreciated!)


    1. Hi Wes,

      Thanks for commenting and for sharing your tips! I like the idea of imagining Teflon, where nothing sticks. I prefer the imagery of that over a huge bubble to block out everyone.
      Fortunately, I’ve recently noticed that I’ve not been feeling so ungrounded and overly sensitive when I am out in public. I’m hoping I’ll eventually understand why this issue comes and goes. The only idea that comes to mind right now is that living in a beach town during the summer tourist season can bring on more intense energy. There’s probably more to it than that, but I look forward to things slowing down a little around here.
      I think I’ll put more effort into cleansing my aura through meditating. That sounds like a great idea.
      Thanks again for your tips and for taking the time to check out both my blogs! 🙂


  3. Hello, great post! Yes, the very easy to learn “Container Practice” channeled through Sri and Kira Raa from Archangel Zadkiel, has been incredibly helpful for me. It helps to clear and responsibly recycle others negative energies from our field as well as our own. The tricky part of it at first, at least for me, was remembering to use the practice in the moment when these low vibration energies come up before my body fully absorbs the energy or I unconsciously spread it to others. So I suppose an added bonus of the practice then, is cultivating greater self awareness and personal responsibility! Here’s the link to the Container Practice: https://selfascension.com/the-container-practice/


    1. Sheena, thank you for sharing this 🙂 I’ll explore this technique soon and give it a try. Love what you said about how adopting a practice like this helps cultivate “greater self awareness and personal responsibility.” So true! We have the choice to feel victimized and sink into the pit of other’s negativity, or we can put in the extra effort to cleanse ourselves and rise above it.


  4. Recently I was in a crowded grocery store and started picking up weird uneasy energy. I pulled my energy in close to my body and I actually felt instantly better.


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